
Monday, July 25, 2011

it must have been love :)

assalamualaikum :)
hehehe,..ketawa kambeng ..^_^ today is my first day since we`re having our midsem break ..(wooaahh!) , hmm..quite better..:)) hari ni kelas bermula dgn biology lecture,..penuh dgn ke'mengantuk'kan ..adess..! ==`
mata bengkak !! akibat xdpat tido smlm..!! hak2,..tym cuti sminggu bgun jam sebelas ..(alaamak) ! tuhan je la yg tahu .today i got my physics result,.huhu,.alhamdulillah :) hope i`ll get the same result in my exam,especially :). class xla boring betul,.at least xbnyak lecture,..huhu,.. class bel260 td pn..madame sruh bt task speaking..! duhh ~ sumting that i cant avoid ..argghh!! ak trpaksa buat,.lidah sangat kaku !! hahhaa,.. almaklum,..budak xbnyak ckp ..(konon nya la) hahha..:)) then,..kmi dberitahu akn ad test utk midsem for bel260 (klass BI) ...
OMG..!! im not gud in listening test okay..!! fine,.i will make more practise on that..!! practise mke perfect kn ..:)
at least,.after raya`s break,.we are not taking that test,.so we can focus on the 4 main  subjects :)

im fasting now,, so famished ! hohooh..!!!

*im in mood raya`s break.! hahah.although its still hve 5 weeks to go b4 we break,.but,.i`ll make it juz 5 days..!! oooo,..dgn cara ...think positive,!! hahahhaaha,..xsabar nak balek ke negeri tercinta ..!!!

baru lepas cuti ,..hahhaha ..

[one week b4 ramadhan comes. semoga ramadhan pada tahun ini akan lebih baik dr tahun2 sebelumnya .:) ]

selamat menjalani ibadah puasa :)

okayyy,..stop for now,..too many tutorials yg menanti ..heee..:)
hve a gud day to all readers..!!
p/s : to my befday boi today..hahh ..:) HEPY BIRTHDAY DEAR..! SWEET 18 :) semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati mu :) gudluck in evrything u do :)

terima kasih daun kelady . dah bca , silalah komen ^^V

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